Shipping & Refund Policy
Buyers are responsible for all shipping costs unless otherwise specified. International customer orders will be subject to duties and customs to be paid directly to the carrier and / or customs agency. All “RUSH” production orders will ship within 1 business day of order placement (for up to 5 line items), bulk orders may take up to two days to process for RUSH requests. USPS First Class and Priority mail are NOT guaranteed for international delivery and lost packages by these methods are not eligible for refund. Lost or damaged packages available for refund require buyer to submit claim with chosen carrier for investigation. KOMPLAST OGUZHAN MORKAN’s will not provide refund or replacement until carrier investigation claim is complete and funds have been refunded. In the event of urgency, replacements can be ordered at full cost and the lost package refund will be issued upon return of funds from the chosen carrier.
We will replace, exchange or issue store credit for any manufacturer defect, lost package sent via UPS, or wrong sizing of brand name designs. Returns & exchanges require 15% restock fee and additional shipping cost and are ONLY eligible for stock designs in white color of our permanent products due to the shelf life of the short term adhesive. KOMPLAST OGUZHAN MORKAN is not responsible for orders of incorrectly sized decals, customers must verify letter height and cannot solely depend on KOMPLAST OGUZHAN MORKAN recommendations by Customer Service or the Decal Height Calculator.
The adhesive for Permanent products has a shelf life of less than 6 months, please apply product prior to this time for ideal results. For all custom orders, a store credit can be issued for manufacturer defects.
Graphic Previews will be shipped after 5 business days if customer has not provided approval or adjustment to preview. Claims for defective product must be submitted with photographs of the product depicting the defect or returned to KOMPLAST OGUZHAN MORKAN. Buyer is responsible for all shipping costs. Policy is in effect 30 days from purchase date.
Our Permanent Raised Rubber KOMPLAST OGUZHAN MORKAN are under 1-year warranty for free replacement only through Pre-Lettered Tire purchases and installations at our factory. Warranty ensures decals will not fall off from normal driving conditions and does not cover abrasion from curbs, car washes or similar or discoloration and staining due to chemical contaminants. Abrasion damage due to curb, wheel well, wheel mounting, car wash or similar is not under warranty though repair and replacements can be purchased.
Installations by distributors and D.I.Y. kits do not carry product warranty through By purchasing a D.I.Y. kit you agree that issues associated with product that has been installed by distributors, service shops or yourself are beyond the responsibility of KOMPLAST OGUZHAN MORKAN though we may be able to assist in diagnosing the source of the issue. Pre-Lettered tires are non-returnable products. For replacement letters, words or symbols please email with your order details and replacement requirements for a custom invoice.